Thursday 8 November 2012

Before i start... Let me apologise for the terrible quality of the sleeve wra on the last pic. My Photshop skills are worse than my C4D skills and i ran out of time to make one from scratch, although i will do it in the morning when i get to school if i haven't had a nervous breakdown :p

I am more than pleased at how this turned out, particularly in the extrusions that act to seal the lid. On the second pic you can see these and also the 2 inner trays for CDs and DVDs. This should make it viable and usable.

It is 3:15am and i only have 4 more hours of work until i have to leave to hand this in so i apologise for not explaining how i did this.

I may make a video tutorial at the weekend if i can get my CV and the Doberman logo finished.

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