Friday 22 February 2013

Day 4 of picture a day

Well this this was too much i think. Got this far and realised the right eye is in the wrong place.
Looks less like a pug and more like ET....

Not sure i can be bothered to finish it now i know it's wrong but i guess you learn lessons from mistakes aswell :/

Thursday 21 February 2013


Opened a deviant art account. Nothing on there that isn't on here but if you fancy a wee nose around my user name is missing-linc. :)

Day 3 cont...

Sorta finished it. Couldn't sleep with it half finished lol

Still a bit to do

A picture a day, Day 3.

So yeah... i got a bit ambitious.

This is my offering for day 3. Unfinished because 5 hours is not long enough.

Tomorrow is Friday so i will get this finished before i start day 4. It looks rough as hell but should turn out nice... Hopefully :p

Wednesday 20 February 2013

A picture a day, Day 2.

First, an excuse lol.

I had the gas man round this morning who told me that my boiler/heater is giving off dangerous amounts of gas and CO (carbon monoxide) so i am sat in the freezing cold for the foreseeable future :(

Sooooo, that means i'm shivering, just so you know why all my lines are shaky :p

On another note, I've been asked to design the engine cover paint job for a friend. It's an incredibly awkward shape but should be a fun job.

Here is what it looks like now:

Awkward.... But he wants something Blue and psychedelic so it should be fun to do.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

A picture a day.

I have been inspired by quite a lot of blogs to try drawing a picture a day.
Pretty self explanatory and i could really do with the practice. My technical ability has always let me down.

Anyway, day one. I started off light but am quite pleased.

Terrible camera pic because my lens for my 40D is currently being borrowed by someone :(.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Last post of the night

Just a quick one to show how it's progressing.

Its still a work in progress obviously so give me atleast some credit lol

HSC cover art.

Still going with this one.

Nearly ready to import into photoshop for the fun stuff, i just need to tidy up the paths and make sure it is geometrically perfect. If it isn't and i see it on an album cover i will go insane knowing the lines are out.

Why doesn't Illustrator have an Isometric grid? It would make my life a lot easier considering most of the illustration work i use utilises it in some way lol.

For some reason Blogger is uploading images and changing the colours... If it appears green to you, trust me, it isn't.

More Human Sacrifice Club cover art stoofs.

So yeah.

Work in progress is an understatement but i just thought i would prove i do actually digitise some of this art work lol.

Lots to do on this but i'm just having fun playing with the colours tonight.

The colour palette was borrowed from As i always find it is best to use palettes arranged by people with the time to come up with them rather than just picking colours at random.

Maybe when i have the luxury of time i can come up with my own for illustrations? Who knows?

My first album cover.

Well. Christmas wasn't great. My PC blew up during a power surge and i lost everything, hence why i did not manage to get any of my final pieces for my last module posted up here :(

So i took so time out too get over it (and buy some external hard drives and a subscription to Dropbox premium lol).

The modules we have done this year so far have been fairly uninspiring. An essay followed by digital skills meant that i had a lot of work to do and not much to show on here.

But i have been given the opportunity to design a logo and album artwork for a college bands new EP which i am very happy about doing.

I got to finally do some geometric designs and experiment a bit. Here are the 2 designs that the band have decided they want to use. (ignore the band logo as i will be redesigning it as part of their brief, i just needed something in there for layout purposes)

Wow, they aren't very clear at all. Never mind. When i merged the images i washed them out quite a lot but you get the idea :p